Support Business Innovation and Enhance Exports in Lebanon (BIEEL)

Support Business Innovation and Enhance Exports in Lebanon (BIEEL)


June 2020


September 2023


All of Lebanon

Number of Beneficiaries:

100 Cooperatives and SMEs

Funding Partner:

Middle East Partnership Initiative


Powered by The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) and led by Fair Trade Lebanon, the BIEEL project’s mission was to cultivate an environment where business growth thrives, lighting the way for 100 Lebanese SMEs and cooperatives. This transformative endeavor rests upon three foundational pillars: igniting pathways to markets, unlocking access to international standards, and facilitating the flow of finance. With a resolute focus on seven dynamic agro-food clusters—ranging from olives and olive oil to wines and spirits, fruits and vegetables to spices and specialty foods, and beyond.