Agriculture Farmers Development and Livelihoods – Afdal II

Agriculture Farmers Development and Livelihoods - Afdal II


June 2020


December 2021


North Lebanon, Akkar, South Lebanon, Nabatieh

Number of Beneficiaries:


Funding Partner:

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through World Food Programme


Empowering Prosperity Together: Unveiling Project AFDAL II, a beacon of positive change. With a steadfast commitment, Fair Trade Lebanon joined forces to uplift the lives of 1,150 vulnerable individuals across North and South Lebanon, spanning both Syrian refugees and our Lebanese community. This transformative initiative centered around enhancing sustainable livelihoods through the dynamic small ruminants (Goat and Sheep) value chain. AFDAL II not only bolsters competitiveness, quality, and productivity but also addresses immediate food needs for targeted households. By providing impactful training, we cultivated technical prowess in food production, introduced innovative marketing strategies, and unlocked vital market access.