Fair Trade, a Local Development Tool for Lebanon’s Rural Communities

Fair Trade, a Local Development Tool for Lebanon’s Rural Communities


March 2011


December 2014


Bekaa, South Lebanon, Mount Lebanon

Number of Beneficiaries:


Funding Partner:

Agence Française de Développement


Powered by AFD in collaboration with CCFD-Earth Solidarity and SIDI, this venture transformed isolated rural corners (North, Bekaa, South) of Lebanon into thriving hubs. The mission was to refine the skills of cooperatives and small enterprises while igniting Fair Trade fervor among Lebanese society. It focused on elevating cooperatives and family businesses, infusing Fair Trade principles, and safeguarding culinary heritage. Through a blend of training, certification aid, market expansion tactics, and cooperative networks, the ripple effect was profound. Imagine: 2,750 minds enlightened with Fair Trade wisdom, four certified cooperatives, amplified turnover and rewards, and the cherishing of indigenous gastronomy.