Capacity Building for the Fruits and Vegetables Market in Al-Qalaa Uom
Capacity Building for the Fruits and Vegetables Market in Al-Qalaa Uom
October 2021
October 2022
Al Qalaa
Number of Beneficiaries:
Funding Partner:
Empowering Growth, Cultivating Connection: Backed by UNDP, our project takes root in the heart of Al Qalaa’s Union of Municipalities. With unwavering dedication, we were able to sow the seeds of success to nurture and manage a vibrant farmer’s market in Karafdounin village. Collaborating closely, Fair Trade Lebanon shaped the market’s blueprint, fortifying the management team, and uplifted regional producers. Through this dynamic effort, we fostered direct links between growers and consumers, opening doors to expanded market horizons. The program supported 20 cooperative partners and 6 Union of Municipalities members, including Training for Trainers initiative for representatives and key stakeholders.