Sustainable Opprtunities for Fair Trade Activities in Rural Areas- Sofair
Sustainable Opprtunities for Fair Trade Activities in Rural Areas- Sofair
July 2014
December 2017
North Lebanon, South Lebanon, Bekaa, Mount Lebanon
Number of Beneficiaries:
Funding Partner:
Middle East Partnership Initiative
The project “Sustainable Opportunities for Fair Trade Activities in Rural Areas” (SOFAIR), was made possible by MEPI, through the deft partnership of Fair Trade Lebanon and Atayeb Al Rif. The mission was to cultivate a tapestry of growth across Lebanon’s rural landscape. With a keen focus on 26 cooperatives and SMEs, the project nurtured these budding enterprises with trainings, guidance, and expertise. From technical finesse to logistical savvy, management prowess, marketing wizardry, and a dedication to unwavering quality – SOFAIR sowed the seeds of sustainable progress.