Sustainable Facility Management in Public Schools in Lebanon – Sufa

Sustainable Facility Management in Public Schools in Lebanon - Sufa


December 2020


September 2023


Bekaa, North, South, Mount Lebanon

Number of Beneficiaries:

1 500 school kids

Funding Partner:

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


Nourishing Young Minds: Revealing the Future through Healthy Meals. Guided by the BMZ through GIZ, this impactful venture was set to enhance the daily nutritional intake of children. Our mission unfolded in 100 public schools across Lebanon, where wholesome breakfasts and lunches become a daily reality. Harnessing the bounty of Lebanese products from FTL’s cooperative network, each meal nurtures both body and community. Moreover, we embarked on an empowering journey, fortifying the skills of school staff in adeptly managing food stands and ensuring food safety practices.