JPII – Improvement of Product Quality and the Productive, Managerial, and Commercial Innovation of Small Producers in the Apricot Value Chain in Lebanon as a Driving Force for Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Economic Development

JPII - Improvement of Product Quality and the Productive, Managerial, and Commercial Innovation of Small Producers in the Apricot Value Chain in Lebanon as a Driving Force for Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Economic Development


July 2019


June 2021


Bekaa, Baalbeck - Hermel

Number of Beneficiaries:


Funding Partner:

Italian Cooperation


With generous funding from the Italian Cooperation and expertly operated by the John-Paul II Foundation, our project bloomed with a focused purpose. Rooted in the fertile lands of Bekaa, Baalbek, and Hermel, it envisioned elevating the apricot sector through a tapestry of quality enhancement, productive ingenuity, and managerial acumen. By infusing small producers with transformative knowledge, embracing the essence of a “Quality Management System QMS,” and fostering collaboration, we breathed life into sustainable rural economic growth.