Food for Training Program in Mount Lebanon

Food for Training Program in Mount Lebanon


September 2018


October 2019


Mount Lebanon, North Lebanon

Number of Beneficiaries:

180 Women

Funding Partner:

German Cooperation through World Food Programme


Rooted in our commitment to uplift vulnerable populations, both Lebanese and Syrian with a special focus on nurturing the potential of women and youth, we carved paths of empowerment through comprehensive skills development and agricultural training. Our offerings stood as pillars of progress – encompassing professional cooking mastery, GHP hygiene standards, demo-plot insights, Fair Trade and organic certifications, immersive internship experiences, dynamic event engagement, market exploration, and the strategic acquisition of essential equipment. We take pride in having nurtured 180 women through cooking and GHP training, propelling 44 of them into apprenticeship programs that paved the way for increased income and thriving production units.