Ecological Transition of Production Practices and Decent Incomes for Producers in West Africa: Support to Fair Trade Certification Schemes

Ecological Transition of Production Practices and Decent Incomes for Producers in West Africa: Support to Fair Trade Certification Schemes


February 2021


January 2023


Africa and the Middle East Region / Europe

Number of Beneficiaries:

30 Producers’ Organization

Funding Partner:

Fond français pour l’environnement mondial and Agence Française de Développement


Empowering Global Progress: Supported by Fond français pour l’environnement mondial and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) through the Equite Afrique de l’Ouest Program, this impactful project radiated our commitment. Focusing on West African nations, we strove to amplify Fair Trade practices, offering a lifeline to producer organizations, particularly those championed by women. As an integral part of this endeavor, FTL meticulously crafted a market study, illuminating West African products’ potential across the MENA and Gulf regions.