Du Caroube à la Ruche, un partage de cultures et de pratiques Franco-Libanaises éco-responsables et résilientes

Du Caroube à la Ruche, un partage de cultures et de pratiques Franco-Libanaises éco-responsables et résilientes


May 2022


April 2025


North Lebanon - Menjez

Number of Beneficiaries:

1 women cooperative (20 women), 35 carob producers, 25 beekeepers

Funding Partner:

Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères


“Du Caroube à la Ruche” is an initiative that focuses on fostering eco-responsible practices and cross-cultural collaboration. Located in North Lebanon‘s Menjez region, this project’s primary goal is to enhance the socio-economic conditions of local farmers, beekeepers, and a women’s cooperative. Key activities include diagnostic studies of the Carob and Honey sectors, technical support, capacity building, and the development of strategic business plans. By consolidating support for producers and promoting community engagement, “Du Caroube à la Ruche” serves as a dynamic case study in sustainable development and cultural cooperation.