International Network for Eco-Sustainable Development of the Productive, Managerial, and Commercial Innovation of Small Producers in the Cherry Value Chain in Lebanon

International Network for Eco-Sustainable Development of the Productive, Managerial, and Commercial Innovation of Small Producers in the Cherry Value Chain in Lebanon


May 2017


April 2020


Zahle, Metn and Baalbak

Number of Beneficiaries:

152 cooperatives members

Funding Partner:

Italian Cooperation


Guided by the compassionate support of the Italian Cooperation, Fair Trade Lebanon embarked on a transformative three-year odyssey in the heartlands of Zahle, Metn, and Baalbak. Our purpose resonated with the vibrant pulse of local agricultural communities, as we meticulously conducted market analysis and co-crafted visionary business plans for esteemed cooperatives like Ainata Agriculture Cooperative and Qaa el Rim. The journey didn’t end there – it embraced the flourishing bloom of possibilities with a profound feasibility study for Qaa cherry producers and the agriculture cooperative for the dedicated producers in al Qaa and Qaa el Rim.