Medartsal – Sustainable Management Model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas

Medartsal – Sustainable Management Model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas


November 2019


August 2023


North Lebanon

Number of Beneficiaries:

4 Salinas

Funding Partner:

European Union through ENI CBC MED Programme


Harmonizing Salt, Sustaining Communities: Nurturing Artisanal Salinas Across the Mediterranean. Generously supported by the European Union and orchestrated in partnership with CUEIM (Consorzio Universitario di Economia Industrialy Manageriale), our endeavor, the “Sustainable Management Model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas,” resonated with purpose. Spanning Italy, Spain, Tunisia, and Lebanon, this collaborative symphony orchestrates a sustainable future for artisanal Salinas. As we weaved threads of knowledge, experience, and technique, we cultivated a network that empowered local economies, fostered environmental guardianship, and rekindled the cultural flames of these cherished Salinas.